訃報:高橋徹氏 / 2012 Internet hall of fame Inductee, Mr. Toru Takahashi passed away.

Internet Society(ISOC)日本支部の会員であり、ISOC日本支部の「インターネットの殿堂」推薦委員会のChairを担われていた高橋徹(たかはし とおる)氏が、 2022年12月20日、享年82(満81歳)で逝去されました。

高橋氏は、日本にインターネットを導入するとともに、1990年代にアジア全域にインターネットを普及させることに尽力されました。その功績が讃えられ、ISOCが2012年に制定した、グローバルなインターネットの普及と発展に多大なる貢献をした功労者を讃えるための「インターネットの殿堂(Internet Hall of Fame)」に、最初の殿堂入りを果たした33名のうちの1人として選ばれました。






Toru Takahashi, a member of the Internet Society (ISOC) Japan Chapter and Chair of the Internet Hall of Fame Nomination Committee in ISOC Japan chapter, passed away on December 20, 2022 at the age of 82.

Toru Takahashi was bringing the Internet to Japan and promoting it throughout Asia in the 1990s. In recognition of his achievements, he was one of the first 33 inductees into the Internet Hall of Fame, founded in 2012 by the ISOC in 2012 to recognize those who have made significant contributions to the development and advancement of the global Internet.


After his induction into the Hall of Fame, he has served as the Chair of the Internet Hall of Fame Nomination Committee in ISOC Japan chapter since January 2013, and has made a great contribution to promoting the world about the Japanese people who have contributed so much to the development and advancement of the Internet.

As a condolence, ISOC has published an article to remember his contributions to the Internet.


We hereby express our sincere condolences on the death of Toru Takahashi.